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#14589 Il 05/04/2018 Michelle di 12 anni ha scritto:
Thank you so much!!


Io bevo latte

Posso mangiare pizza?

Sono affamato!

Do i go well in italian?



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La mia risposta:

Hi Michelle!
You're very very good, but in some phrases, before the name, you have to write the articles.

There are three types of articles:

You can use determinative articles if you have to indicate a specific thing; they're il, lo, la, i, gli, le. The indefinite articles instead are used to indicate an undefined thing; they're un, uno, una.
The last type of articles are used to indicate a part of one thing and they're dello, del, della, degli, delle.

1) The book = il libro
2) A book = un libro
3) Some pages of the book = (un po') del libro

Il and lo are male and singular; i and gli are male plural. La is female singular and le is female plural.
Un and uno are male singular, and una is female singular.
Dello and del are male singular; degli is male plural. Della is female singular and delle is female plural.

For this reason the correct sentences are these:

Io bevo il latte.
Posso mangiare la pizza?

And the last is correct :) almost all italians persons omit the articles in these phrases, but is better with articles.



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  • #14572 domanda del 03/04/2018 inviata da Michelle
    thank you very much for helping me, but one last thing .. would you teach me a few words in Italian?


  • #14589 Questa domanda